Episode 584: Property Strategy

In Episode 584 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss church planting and multisite church property strategies.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • Advice for church planters who are ready to think about property
  • Considerations for launching a new campus

 Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):

  • “We are increasingly going to see the importance of owning a piece of property, at least in the states, as the lines of church and state continue to erode.” – @toddadkins
  • “For a church planter to have a solid property strategy, and not live off of continually renting, is going to be important.” – @danielsangi
  • “In some regards, there is not a better time to buy because to service that debt is going to be pretty cheap and they are not going to make more land.” – @toddadkins
  • “Make sure you are saving, and depending on what your budget is, make sure that you are under spending.” – @danielsangi
  • “What is the giving like of people that live in that zip code and the surrounding zip codes?” – @toddadkins
  • “I am not a big fan of a long-term lease for purchase believing that over the course of time that congregation is going to be able to do that on its own.” – @toddadkins
  • “There are many pastors who are at retirement age who want to lead their church through this phase and then give it away to a new person – a planter to relaunch or a church who they think will be a good steward from a multisite perspective.” – @toddadkins

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This Episode’s Sponsor:

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Published April 12, 2021

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